About Us

As opposite as we are from each other, we’re 2 sides of the same coin - Logical and steady (David) meets creative flair (Callum) (if we do say so ourselves). With our joint interest in training, and our love for the environment, we decided to put our heads together to create a truly phenomenal clothing brand.


Name   David 
Age   30 
Height   5'9"
Star sign   Libra

Favorite lift 

Bench press

"My Early adult life has been around horse riding with me becoming a professional Jockey in my early
20s, but found the constant battle with my weight a real issue to keep race riding. I only discovered
the Gym and training in my mid 20 as even though I was too big to be a flat jockey I was still skinnier
than all my friends and colleges. Training and the gym really helped with so many different parts of
my life like my confidence and rehabilitation from years of riding injuries. As I spent so much of my
life outside and in different parts of the world I have come to appreciate the world we live in and how
we all have an obligation to do our part. That is why I created Ignite Apparel combining lots of things
I am passionate about, The world we live in, helping and supporting people and keeping ourselves fit
and healthy"

 Name  Callum 
Age  36
Height 6'2"
Star sign  Capricon
Favorite lift Deadlift

"I started going to the gym purely for aesthetics (I wanted to look good on a beach). The same is still partly true now, but I’m becoming more and more interested in the science behind it and am constantly trying to see how far I can push my body and finding exactly where my limit is – (have had a few injuries with this way of thinking).  Added to the fact I’ve always taken an interest in the environment and what we can do for it and my love of fitness, starting a sustainable gym clothing brand with my best mate was a great idea".